Commercial fishermen put their lives and personal health at risk every day for work to ensure that their communities have access to fresh fish. No one should have to worry about their safety at their place of work.
Oregon State University and the University of Washington have collaborated through a research project to assess risk for commercial fishermen using the Risk Information System for Commercial (RISC) Fishing. In their research, they found the biggest risk factors for fatalities, bodily injuries, and accidents.
Through their research, they found that injuries and fatalities can be prevented and minimized with better safety and training.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
According to the RISC Fishing Findings, 33% of fishermen have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This means that the nerves in their wrists are damaged as a result of extensive manual labor. The repetitive tasks that fishermen do on a daily basis increase their likelihood of getting CTS.
It is recommended that fishermen take breaks to rest their wrists, keep their wrists straight, and use their whole hand as opposed to their fingers when grabbing lines.
Falling Overboard
RISC Fishing Findings outlined that falling overboard was a result of slips and trip hazards 35% of the time, 29% of incidents involving falling overboard was attributed to fishermen being hit by gear, and 41% of those who fell overboard were Dungeness Crabbers.
In order to prevent fishermen from falling overboard, employers must ensure that there are no tripping hazards on the deck, that their employees are wearing personal flotation devices, and that all the gear and equipment are secured and controlled.
Lower Back Pain
28% of fishermen have severe lower back pain due to repetitive movements on the job such as twisting, bending, and lifting. It is recommended that fishermen stretch and warm up before their work and that employers encourage their employees to take moments to rest, and use care and team lifting for heavy lifts.
Follow this link to learn more about the RISC Fishing Findings.
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