On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, a 73-foot fishing vessel crashed into a pier and several ships near the Ballard Bridge in Seattle. The Seattle Times reported that while the crash did not immediately appear to cause any injuries, at least five or six boats were damaged.
The U.S. Coast Guard, Seattle Fire Department, and police have all reported to the scene of the boat collision. As crews are working on containing oil spills, the cause of the accident is still under investigation.
Injury at Sea is hopeful there are no injuries caused by the fishing vessel crash. Maritime accidents are typically caused by negligence. It is recommended to speak to a personal injury attorney if you find yourself injured at sea or at work.
Contact an Experienced Maritime Personal Injury Lawyer
If you or a family member has been injured at sea or on the water, contact Injury at Sea for a free lawyer consultation. Injury At Sea has decades of experience working with maritime injury clients to deliver the best possible results.
Whether it is a maritime or boating injury case, Injury at Sea is able to support your case. Please call 800.SEA.SALT, or email our attorneys, Jim Gooding at jim@injuryatsea.com or Matt Cole at mcole@glpattorneys.com to schedule your free consultation with an attorney.